The Upside of Downsizing: Elevating Luxury with Every Bar

Author: Melissa Thomas   Date Posted:14 May 2024 

The Upside of Downsizing: Elevating Luxury with Every Bar

Discover the Evolution of Our Luxe Soap Bars!

Exciting news for our cherished soap enthusiasts! You may have already noticed a change in our Luxe (luxury) soap bars - they're now the same size as our beloved everyday range. But why the shift? Let's delve into the details behind this decision and what it means for you.

In recent times, the cost of raw materials has skyrocketed, with prices doubling or even tripling in some cases. While many of our peers have opted to pass these costs onto their customers, we've taken a different approach. We're committed to ensuring that price increases are our last resort, not our first response.

Standardizing our bar size isn't just about uniformity; it's a strategic move to enhance efficiency in our production process. By producing bars of consistent size, we're able to streamline our operations, from batching to packaging. This not only reduces production costs but also helps mitigate the impact of rising input prices, ensuring that we can continue to offer you our exceptional products without compromise.

Now, you might be wondering, what sets our Luxe range apart?

We've always prided ourselves on crafting premium soap bars, but elevating our Luxe range required some innovative thinking. With the unexpected shortage in olive oil, we seized the opportunity to explore alternative ingredients. While our everyday range now features high oleic safflower oil sourced locally in Australia, our Luxe range boasts the luxurious addition of Ghanaian Organic Shea Oil. Despite being more costly than olive oil, Shea Oil offers unparalleled quality, imbuing our Luxe bars with enhanced hardness and longevity.

But that's not all. Our Luxe bars are a canvas for creativity, inspired by the seasonal abundance of the Granite Belt. From mesmerizing swirls to the alchemy of natural ingredients like ground fruits, botanicals, milks, and honey, each bar is a work of art, meticulously crafted to indulge your senses.

The transition to a standardized size wasn't just about efficiency; it was driven by your feedback and our commitment to sustainability. Smaller bars mean easier handling and eco-friendly packaging, while also allowing us to optimize our equipment and reduce unnecessary duplication. Plus, the efficiency gains have enabled us to substantially lower the price of our Luxe bars, ensuring that luxury remains accessible.

At Washpool, every decision is made with our customers' best interests at heart. We understand the challenges facing both you and our small rural business, and we're immensely grateful for your unwavering support. Together, we'll continue to navigate these uncertain times, delivering the exceptional quality and service you've come to expect from us. Thank you for being a part of our journey.


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